Well, I can't believe it is 2 months since I wrote my last blog. I was all full of intentions of at least trying to do an update every week, but here we are 2 months down the road and nothing. Well, you ask, what have you been doing? Good question!
We finally got away on our planned trip to Alaska to see my husband's new grand daughter - what a cutie! Her name is Madeleine Rose and she is a darling! Now a bumper 2 1/2 months old! We had a fantastic time - Alaska is just amazing.
I was busy knitting away before I left home trying to finish a blanket that I was making for Madeleine - 100% Wensleydale of course - I am rather pleased with the results ...........
Whilst there we also visited the only flock of Wensleydales in the country (well, why not!) They have been bred up from other stock and are now about 85% Wensleydale - look pretty good though!
..........Well, we are now back to reality and show time is fast approaching. The girls and boys are being washed and pampered - having their faces rubbed in with baby oil and their little feet trimmed - not sure they are as happy about it as we are - but they are coming together.
The lambs are starting to walk on leads which is hilarious. We either have 'woolly jumpers' or 'sleeping policemen' nothing in between at the moment. Still by next week I am hoping that they will at least walk to the ring if given enough time!
We didn't quite make it to the South Suffolk Show with ours because of our delayed trip to colder climes (wretched ash cloud) but we went along anyway to support our friends and eye up the competition of course!
The bank holiday is now nearly upon us - our shop will be open Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2 - 5 (directions on the website) and I will be at the Orford Country Market as usual on Saturday morning - this week in the church!
Hope you have a good holiday and if you are about next week come and see us at the Suffolk Show - we will be in the MV accredited sheep shed - I think we are in the ring at about 11.00am - so wish me luck!