We have now moved all ewes and lambs to better grazing although we are now desperate for rain - none for 10 weeks except for a token 0.3mm the other night! Have today put out a bale of haylage for rams and older girls to keep them going until the grass decides to show it's face.
We had our first show on Sunday at Ampton Point to Point Course near Bury St Edmunds. A lot of stiff competition but did get a 'highly commended' for Winston my ram - good day though and very hot - none of the promised rain either. We need to start gearing up now for the Suffolk Show at the beginning of June - hope to catch up with you all there.
Here are a couple of pictures from the South Suffolk Show:
Beatrix is doing really well and growing daily - she is quite a character and never stops larking about - totally out of control - but a happy thriving girl!
and finally, just had some great wool back from my friend Sheila who hand spins the most lovely Wensley yarns - just a sneak preview of some hand spun Grey Wensley with recycled sari silk - fantastic!
Bye for now!
T x