Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

3 cheers for Alicia!
Reserve Wensleydale Champ at Suffolk Show

Well so much has happened since I last blogged - sorry for the delay - not quite sure where all the time has gone!

We are just about to head off to the East of England Show on Thursday - all sheep washed, pampered and ready to go - tent is packed - bet it rains! Last year it was absolutely freezing there so extra blankets this year are definitely on the packing pile - along with fleecy pyjamas!

Since I last blogged we have been to the Suffolk Show where we had a great time and achieved some good results. We had our own Wensleydale class for the first time so the competition was steep. My lambs always seem to do well there and this year was no exception - a second placing for my ram lamb and a brilliant 1st place and Reserve Champion for the ewe lamb - really pleased!

The Wensleydale Ram line up

Jonah my ram lamb

We also entered some black Wensleydales in the Longwool classes and had a 2nd for my ram lamb along with a good third for my lovely shearling ram Lenny.

Davies the Ram Lamb!

Lenny the Shearling Ram

A good time was had by all - let's hope we do as well at Peterborough this weekend.

Work didn't stop there and the Saturday after getting back from the show is our traditional shearing day, so Ben duly turned up at 12 noon and in the heat of the afternoon we whipped off most of those lovely woolly coats to give the girls, and boys, a bit of a blow! Now starts the long job of sorting wool ready for my patient customers and the lovely Sheila for handspinning - exciting times!

Well wish me luck on Saturday and keep your fingers crossed it doesn't rain too hard!

T x