Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Full Steam Ahead!

Well I have been really busy since I last blogged - we have been full steam ahead here!

First of all a quick update on all matters sheepy - rams are again with their ladies and they certainly seem to be smiling a lot!  We are later tupping this year because of the worry of Schmallenberg virus - those in the know recommend that we put our rams in later to avoid the peak midge time as the ewes are especially susceptible in the early stages of their pregnancy.  It may mean therefore that our lambs will be smaller come showing time but I would rather the lambs arrived safely!  So lambing this year will be March rather than our usual end January.....

My 2 young Golden Guernsey girls are also in with my new billy Velvety Brown - much to their disgust! However I think things are a-happening! Watch this space .....

I have also taken on the role of Membership and Registration Secretary for the Wensleydale Longwool Sheepbreeders' Association.  Am really excited to take on this new role and look forward to making a real contribution to the future of one of the oldest sheep societies.  Seem to have my work cut out though!

Finally an update on my work with Emily-Rose Debenham.  We have chosen our colours ......

Emily-Rose has produced some samples which I have to say are just gorgeous!  Lovely cosy chunky handknits for those long winter walks .....

All that is left now is to produce some patterns, dye enough yarn, look at the possibility of producing some knitting kits, take some lovely photos and then get knitting ........ doesn't sound much if you say it quickly!

Watch this space for the photo shoot ......